Thursday, 28 November 2013

The Name's Bennet, Elizabeth Bennet

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” 
― Jane AustenPride and Prejudice

As part of Scottish National Book Week 2013, the Scottish Book Trust have developed a rather clever Facebook survey and app that tells you which literary hero/heroine you are most like.

With a whole library of possible candidates you could be matched with, I was rather excited to find out who my literary doppleganger would be....

Cue my surprise when i discovered I was none other than Miss Elizabeth Bennet...

I've only ever managed to get halfway through Pride & Prejudice as something about the story just didn't click - I'm not sure if it was the endless whining from Lydia or the melancholic moaning from Elizabeth herself but something just wasn't doing it for me.

Although Lizzie B wouldn't be my first choice, it is definitely a pretty accurate match in terms of personality according to the quiz. So much so that I've just downloaded Pride & Prejudice onto my kindle to see if I can finally crack the Bennets once and for all - wish me luck!

You can take the quiz for yourself here  let me know how you get on.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Mouseton Abbey

"Twas the night before Cheesemas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse"
I paid a visit to the Early Learning Centre this weekend on the hunt for toddler friendly Christmas gifts and stumbled upon this little slice of TV spin off genius...

Now I love Downton Abbey, it's become something of a Sunday night ritual (much to the chagrin of James) to settle down in my PJ's with a cuppa whilst the latest Crawley family drama unfolds on screen.  And it's not just me, my mum, nan and sister are all equally in love, cue my sister and I texting each other various Downton Quotes (Usually Lady Mary and Edith as they engage in some sisterly sarcasm on screen). 

So when I saw Mouseton Abbey on the shelves of ELC, I knew I'd found a fantastic stocking filler for the Downton obsessed ladies in my life - I can just see them all sitting down on Boxing day with a great big plate of cheese and crackers to enjoy the tale of 'Cheesemas at "Mouseton Abbey."'

Author Nick Page's story brings to life the story of Cheesmas at the Abbey, when the Mouseton family pass around the Great Big Cheesy Diamond and everyone gets to make a Christmas wish. But catastrophe strikes as the Great Big Cheesy Diamond goes missing!

It's a race against time for Lord Mouseton and his servants as they search for the missing diamond to prevent Cheesmas from being ruined like an overbaked Camembert! 

The hand knitted characters (Lady Ricotta and her maid Raclette are my personal favourites) paired with the ornate, illustrated backgrounds are beautiful and are just as captivating as the story itself.  

Mouseton Abbey is going to make a lot of big and little kids very happy this Christmas, in fact, mum, if you're reading this, I'd love to find a copy in my stocking too ; ) 

Available from Amazon here make sure you order yours now to be here in time for the big day!

PS Check out the Mouseton Abbey Facebook page for more updates on the goings on at The Abbey